
3 Ways to Detox Your Mind and Body This Fall

3 Ways to Detox Your Mind and Body This Fall

Make living simple, healthy, and easy make sure to check out these awesome tools, the juicer and dehumidifier/essential oil diffuser are especially awesome! Finding tools that work into your life is key to reducing stress. And when you’re detoxing your mind and body, the last thing you need is stress! When you live a simple and healthy life, you raise your vibration and start living a more Zen life.

How I Use My CBD Oil

Today we get to talk about CBD! 

The wonderful thing about CBD Hemp Oil is that more people are finding ways to use it uniquely! It’s best known for relieving pain and anxiety. CBD oil has been used with pets, kids, and even us adults. I use CBD oil in two ways.

The first reason is pretty normal, I use it for joint pain relief. I get knee pain every now and then, so when I wake up in the morning I take about three fourths of a dropper and squirt it under my tongue. I let it sit there for about a minute and chase it down with some water. I suggest to take CBD oil away from food just so it can absorb into the body better.

The second way I like to use the oil is actually as a face serum! The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties of CBD oil can make a world of difference when applied to the skin. I use a few drops on my face in the morning before I apply lotion and sunscreen. CBD also has antibacterial properties which can help fight the development of acne, so if you are experiencing breakouts, this could help!

The CBD oil I’ve been using lately is made with MCT oil so you get a double whammy of goodness! MCT oil is great for brain function, hormone balance, and so much more! The MCT oil also makes the CBD oil much lighter than some other brands I have tried. Often times I come across CBD oils that are a very dark green, the one I’ve been using lately is super light and feels amazing on my skin. CBD Bio Naturals is the amazing brand I've been using lately. They sent me some to try, and now I'm hooked! 

Stay Healthy,


Earth Derived Sunscreen: Atmosphere

Earth Derived Sunscreen: Atmosphere

If you know me, you know I’m always avoiding toxins. I’m also a pasty Viking girl, so sunscreen on sunny days is a must! Most sunscreens now a das are filled with toxins, synthetics, chemical, and other gunk.  About 5 years ago I started shying away from conventional sunscreens and made my own at home.  I started using a mix of coconut oil, carrot seed oil, and red raspberry seed oil. That last oil is extremely expensive though! I didn’t start exploring mixing zinc into sunscreen until this last summer. And wow! The protection level just amplifies! While sunscreen yourself can be fun, it can also be pricy if you’re not buying things in bulk. I did find a sunscreen by Luna + Quartz that mixes some of my favorite natural sun protecting ingredients into one magic bottle.

The Healer: My achy body's new friend

The Healer: My achy body's new friend

Over the last year, I’ve become very fond of salves. If you are unfamiliar with salves, it is usually a solid blend of different oils that have healing benefits. Some people describe them as body balms. I use a few different types of products like this, but I recently found one with a very unique quality. It is infused with the power of a mineral called Aventurine! Of course, this crystal magic comes from Luna + Quartz! As a hippie child, I totally fell in love with salve.

I wanted to take a moment to go through each ingredient in this salve so you can see if it’s something you’ll be putting on your Christmas list this year. Click below to keep reading.... 

Chill Out and Take a Bath

Chill Out and Take a Bath

I’ve been adulting for a few years now, and sometimes it can get a little crazy. Especially when you're building your own business, working to build other people’s businesses and all the other things that go along with your 20’s. Health insurance and student loans are two issues that always seem to get at me. It’s funny that getting health insurance would be one of the things that stresses me out, because stress is not good for your health! With all these little built up issues sometimes we just need to chill out! And I know a lot of us out there will preach about exercise, mediation, yoga, or really any kind of activity that can help you reduce stress in life. But honestly, when I’m super stressed, mediating becomes almost impossible, especially if I’m attempting to do it on my own without a guide. While yoga totally helps me clear my mind, sometimes all the emotional stress is met with being physically exhausted. When this happens, there is only one thing I can advise....

Is Yoga Enough? the age old question...

Is Yoga Enough? the age old question...

Yoga will give you longevity, not necessarily a body that belongs in a fitness magazine. People who are on the thicker side are still able to be great yogis! If you are aiming for weight loss you should know that you can be super flexible but if you are doing traditional yoga you most likely won’t be burning enough calories to shed unwanted weight. Getting rid of extra fatty areas is about diet and doing workouts that tone the specific areas.

Natural Homemade Blue Shampoo that Really works!

Natural Homemade Blue Shampoo that Really works!

These days Shampoos, even natural ones, are filled with chemicals. Conventional shampoo also strips your hair of healthy oils that your body naturally produces to protect your hair and keep it soft. Your hair starts to become dependent on shampoo, because of this, it starts producing more oil than is needed.  When you first start using a natural homemade shampoo, created without chemicals, your hair may go through a transition period. This is a period of time where your hair may over produce oil as it adjusts to not having it stripped daily. Don’t worry, give it a week or two, your hair will even out. This is a recipe I've created and love! The bas recipe will get you started, I added honey and Tea Tree Essential oil, because I wanted to enhance highlights and keep my hair moisturized..... 

My Master Cleanse Diary

My Master Cleanse Diary

Interested in doing the Master cleanse? Allow my experience, and advice, to guide you through your journey. If you need advice or have questions leave comments and you will get fast responses! 

Let me start by saying I am not into the idea of fasting to lose weight. And technically, the Master Cleanse is not a fast, because you do still consume proper nutrients through the liquid drink to nourish your body! Still, you're not eating solids during the cleanse, and I love solid foods... chocolate, cookies, tacos....

Copper Pitcher: Healthy Drinking Water

Copper Pitcher: Healthy Drinking Water

In today’s world, finding drinking water that is pure with a proper pH balance is harder than ever. I’ve been drinking out of a copper pitcher the last few weeks and it has not only made me feel healthier, but it has also elevated my mind. It should be noted that for the water to be beneficial to you, it should be stored in your copper pitcher for 8-16 hours. Health Benefits.....