
Organic Makeup: Tutorials and why to make the switch!

Organic Makeup: Tutorials and why to make the switch!

Organic Makeup?

Yes Please! For those of us living an Organic Lifestyle we avoid toxins, gmo’s and synthetics at all cost! For us ladies, when it comes to makeup, we usually just try our best to find products that will do the least amount of damage.  For a very long time I used the EWG’s Skin Deep Cosmetic Database to find out just how toxic my beauty products were. With this I could see just how toxic the makeup I was using was. Lots of conventional makeup contains ingredients that actually age your skin, which is no good. After finding this new Makeup brand, I am hooked and won’t be using anything else, want to know why?

This makeup is made of only the good stuff. The ingredients in this makeup are actually beneficial to your skin! The ingredients are so pure you could eat them, no joke! Read below to find out what is in everything!

How I Use My CBD Oil

Today we get to talk about CBD! 

The wonderful thing about CBD Hemp Oil is that more people are finding ways to use it uniquely! It’s best known for relieving pain and anxiety. CBD oil has been used with pets, kids, and even us adults. I use CBD oil in two ways.

The first reason is pretty normal, I use it for joint pain relief. I get knee pain every now and then, so when I wake up in the morning I take about three fourths of a dropper and squirt it under my tongue. I let it sit there for about a minute and chase it down with some water. I suggest to take CBD oil away from food just so it can absorb into the body better.

The second way I like to use the oil is actually as a face serum! The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties of CBD oil can make a world of difference when applied to the skin. I use a few drops on my face in the morning before I apply lotion and sunscreen. CBD also has antibacterial properties which can help fight the development of acne, so if you are experiencing breakouts, this could help!

The CBD oil I’ve been using lately is made with MCT oil so you get a double whammy of goodness! MCT oil is great for brain function, hormone balance, and so much more! The MCT oil also makes the CBD oil much lighter than some other brands I have tried. Often times I come across CBD oils that are a very dark green, the one I’ve been using lately is super light and feels amazing on my skin. CBD Bio Naturals is the amazing brand I've been using lately. They sent me some to try, and now I'm hooked! 

Stay Healthy,


The Holistic Path of Your Beauty

The Holistic Path of Your Beauty

Alors, Ça Pousse? (ACP) In English it translates to "So that’s growing?" It’s the name of a French skin care line that has truly unique products completely derived from the Earth. I first found them on Instagram and was super intrigued by the way they describe their ingredients. They use solar created Flower Elixirs in their products.  The goal of this process is to harvest the “vibratory message” of the plant, this will echo our emotions and inner well-being.   

Their concept: Vibratory cosmetics for body and mind in an eco-design.

Their philosophy: Harmony with Nature and the cycles of the Moon.

The concept and philosophy speak to my inner hippie moonchild. The balms also last much longer that other creams you would normally buy, while being the most unique holistic products I’ve ever encountered. They don’t use any preservatives and provide consumers with a concentrated botanical formula because there is no water in the balms... 

Unique Alternative Perfumes

Unique Alternative Perfumes

For years, I’ve used Essential Oils as a perfume.  Which has its pros and cons. However, I came across a brand that creates fragrance that complies with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) to make sure all of their ingredients are responsibly sourced! Because they work with IUCN they do choose to use safe synthetics over botanicals when harvesting them could actually harm the environment or the species.