
Spring Cleaning: Spiritually and Physically

Spring Cleaning: Spiritually and Physically

The time for Spring Cleaning is upon us! In light of spring time, I’d like to take the opportunity to talk about the idea of cleaning and how you can raise your vibration this spring. This blog is centered around living in a clean, simple space, to enhance mental health. It's all about having positive items to bring positive vibes into your home.

Spirit Guide Mist

Spirit Guide Mist

I have found another gem to share with you. It’s a misting spray that makes your space smell amazing along with purifying the energy in the room. You’ll notice in the bottle that there is a black tourmaline and quartz crystal inside the bottle. These crystals also make great little keep sakes after you’ve finished the bottle! Let’s do a little recap of the ingredients in this glass bottle: Black tourmaline and crystal quartz infused alkaline water, palo santo essential oil, and cedar wood essential oil.

Copper Pitcher: Healthy Drinking Water

Copper Pitcher: Healthy Drinking Water

In today’s world, finding drinking water that is pure with a proper pH balance is harder than ever. I’ve been drinking out of a copper pitcher the last few weeks and it has not only made me feel healthier, but it has also elevated my mind. It should be noted that for the water to be beneficial to you, it should be stored in your copper pitcher for 8-16 hours. Health Benefits.....