
Spring Cleaning: Spiritually and Physically

Spring Cleaning: Spiritually and Physically

The time for Spring Cleaning is upon us! In light of spring time, I’d like to take the opportunity to talk about the idea of cleaning and how you can raise your vibration this spring. This blog is centered around living in a clean, simple space, to enhance mental health. It's all about having positive items to bring positive vibes into your home.

Organic Makeup: Tutorials and why to make the switch!

Organic Makeup: Tutorials and why to make the switch!

Organic Makeup?

Yes Please! For those of us living an Organic Lifestyle we avoid toxins, gmo’s and synthetics at all cost! For us ladies, when it comes to makeup, we usually just try our best to find products that will do the least amount of damage.  For a very long time I used the EWG’s Skin Deep Cosmetic Database to find out just how toxic my beauty products were. With this I could see just how toxic the makeup I was using was. Lots of conventional makeup contains ingredients that actually age your skin, which is no good. After finding this new Makeup brand, I am hooked and won’t be using anything else, want to know why?

This makeup is made of only the good stuff. The ingredients in this makeup are actually beneficial to your skin! The ingredients are so pure you could eat them, no joke! Read below to find out what is in everything!

Unique Alternative Perfumes

Unique Alternative Perfumes

For years, I’ve used Essential Oils as a perfume.  Which has its pros and cons. However, I came across a brand that creates fragrance that complies with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) to make sure all of their ingredients are responsibly sourced! Because they work with IUCN they do choose to use safe synthetics over botanicals when harvesting them could actually harm the environment or the species.