clearing energy blocks

Spring Cleaning: Spiritually and Physically

Spring Cleaning: Spiritually and Physically

The time for Spring Cleaning is upon us! In light of spring time, I’d like to take the opportunity to talk about the idea of cleaning and how you can raise your vibration this spring. This blog is centered around living in a clean, simple space, to enhance mental health. It's all about having positive items to bring positive vibes into your home.

My Master Cleanse Diary

My Master Cleanse Diary

Interested in doing the Master cleanse? Allow my experience, and advice, to guide you through your journey. If you need advice or have questions leave comments and you will get fast responses! 

Let me start by saying I am not into the idea of fasting to lose weight. And technically, the Master Cleanse is not a fast, because you do still consume proper nutrients through the liquid drink to nourish your body! Still, you're not eating solids during the cleanse, and I love solid foods... chocolate, cookies, tacos....